Why you need Oola as a busy mum

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Living Oola by Paige van den Dam
Skittles In Life
As a busy mum you probably recognise a lot of your daily tasks being like little skittles, you have an endless “to do list”, but nothing is helping you reach your goals in life.
Some of these tasks include; doing the laundry, cooking and taking the kids to football practice which are all obviously important, but it can leave you feeling like you are only doing and not achieving and living those dreams of yours.
The reality is that we can’t be supermums, nor should we allow the pressure to be.
I can recognize from my own experience as a mum of two that if we get too consumed with the skittles of life then we tend to forget about the oranges.
Oranges are the steps you take to help you reach those goals and dreams of yours!
What is Oola and why does it work?
That is where the Oola formula comes into place.
Oola is short for Ooh-la la – it’s that feeling you get when life is going your way. Oola is the formula on how to get you to living a life of balance in the seven key areas of life. If you’re interested you can read more about Oola on their website here.
As a mum I bet you have many goals and dreams not for only your life, but for your families. In Oola we break down each area of your life to what’s called “the seven F’s”; Family, Friendships, Faith, Fitness, Finances, Field (career) and Fun. Some of these goals could be to pay off debt, go on a family vacation or lose that extra weight from having a baby. It is designed to meet you where you are at and to take you to where you want to be.
Why you need Oola as a mum is simple; you were designed and made for greatness. Sometimes as mums we can forget along the way to take care of ourselves too.
When we are whole, we can give back not only to our children but to our communities and world.
As a mother sometimes all you need is someone to not only understand you but also to help motivate and keep you on the right track to reaching your Oola Life!
As a life coach and mother myself I want to help you in this. And as your accountability coach I will teach you the Oola formula and how to handle the “skittles”, because they just don’t go away. You will learn; where you are right now in the “seven F’s”, where you want to go in each area. How to set realistic and timebase goals, discover what your blockers are and how to embrace your accelerators so that you can be on your way to living a more joyful and balanced life.
I’d love to be your coach! Schedule a free 30-minute call to see if it would be a good fit for you!
You can reach out on one of my social media platforms Instagram or Facebook. Or you can contact me by email and see if this would be a good fit for you.
I also have a facebook group – Joyful Families Kickin Ass with Paige. This group is dedicated to helping you and your family reach those goals and dreams of yours.
I have a financial challenge waiting in there already for you to participate in.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
Paige van den Dam