Back to school tips for parents

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Whether you like it or not, the back to school season is around the corner. I don’t know about you, but I cannot wait for school to start. We homeschool and I absolutely LOVE getting back into a routine. Not sure how to tackle this season?! Use these back to school tips for parents, to create a smooth transition from Summer to school!
Prepare the kids
One of the most important things to do in the season right before the kids go back to school, is prepare them for what’s coming. Whether you homeschool or not, tell the kids how many nights it is before school starts. It will help them to prepare mentally.
Having to start school again can be exciting but also a little scary, especially for younger kids. So explaining what they can expect will take away that stress and will help them get excited! Why not create a fun countdown calendar as a craft on a hot day?
Think about a new morning routine
You can also take away some of the stress, by creating a new routine. During Summer, you have probably not kept a strict routine of a certain time they need to wake up, or how quickly the kids need to get dressed and ready in the morning.

Thinking about a new routine before hand will take away a lot of that last-minute stress. Make sure you add in some wiggle room for when your child spills chocolate milk on his t-shirt and needs to change 5 minutes before leaving, or for that one child that decides it needs to go to the bathroom just before you want to leave.
Not sure where to start?! Use this blogpost to get an idea on how to create new and lasting morning routines.
Practice run
And to go with that last tip; do a practice run the week before school starts. You want to make sure that the routine you just made, actually works!
I suggest doing a little practice run and then planning something fun afterwards. So get the kids ready as if they need to go to school, but instead go to a playground, the zoo or the waterpark.
Does the routine work? Great! No need to change a thing. But if it doesn’t work; you now know what you can tweak to make it better. Maybe the kids need to wake up earlier or you need to start grabbing shoes 5 minutes earlier. Whatever it is, now you know 😉
Come up with fun lunch or snack ideas
Pick a day to look for some fun lunch box ideas. Make a new sandwich combination or look for new snacks. Involve the kids in what you will put into their lunch boxes. It will make it more likely they will actually eat what’s in it, plus it’s a fun little tradition to do every school year.
It’s really fun to have a day of baking a few new snack options and try them out. Make healthy oatmeal cookies, try a granola bar, blueberry muffins or make a delicious banana bread! (Yes, I am a big fan of Farmhouse on Boone, can you tell?!)
Buy or create a few new items
Another fun way to make the back to school time a lot more fun, is by buying or creating something new for the new school year. Maybe grab a new backpack, or pencil case. But it doesn’t have to be expensive. You can also create something fun to add to their bag like a new keychain you made together. Or a new bookmark to put into their books. Pinterest has the coolest ideas to use.
What are your favourite things to do in this season? Any fun family traditions you do just before school starts? Let me know in the comments!
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