
Why you should create a Family Vision

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Before we start talking about how to create a family vision, let’s dive into the why first. Because that is a question we can easily overlook, but it is extremely important! Knowing why you should create a vision, will make it a lot easier to actually create one!

This week’s video

What is a family vision?

If we want to create a good family vision, it is actually important to determine what it means. So let’s talk about the meaning of a vision first.

Having a clear vision for your family, means that you have thought about what is important to you, what you want your family to focus on and knowing what you and your family are working towards. It sets a direction for your family and will help you to make decisions now, that will get you closer to the goal.

So having this vision, or a destination to work towards is important to have as a family. But why is it important to know this? Can’t you just live life and have fun?! Not really, let me share a few reasons why having a vision is so important!

Why create a family vision?

Okay, so now that we have made sure we are on the same page about what a vision is, let’s look at some reasons why you want one.

  1. Without a vision you have no clue what you are doing.
    What I mean by this, if you don’t have clear goals in mind, you will just live your life the way it feels best to do in the moment. But before you know it, a year has passed and you haven’t achieved anything. And that is not really strange, because you weren’t going anywhere specific. And when you are not trying to become better at something, or working on a bigger goal, you don’t just become better. You don’t accidentally become a great cook, or a good teacher or a great wife to your husband. It takes dedication, time and effort. So you need to know what you want in order to become better at it.
  2. It will help you to stay focussed on what is important.
    Having a clear vision for your family, will help you to stay focused. Especially on the mundane days and random weeks in a year. It is so easy to get distracted when life just goes on. But having a vision will help you, even on a random Wednesday afternoon. Let me give you an example. Maybe you have ‘be an outdoor family’ as part of your vision. On this particular Wednesday, your kids ask you to go to the park, but you actually wanted to do something else (clean the fridge for example). Instead of saying no, you might now choose to say yes and clean the fridge after dinner. Because your vision was to be an outdoor family, you make decisions based off of it.
  3. It can help you to say no more often
    And along with knowing what is important, you can also say no more often. Just because a ton of opportunities come up, doesn’t mean you have to do all of it. When an opportunity comes up to join a Theatre group as a family and your vision is to be more involved into music, then it might be a great opportunity. It alligns with your vision. But if your vision is to be outdoors more and be more involved in sports, it won’t fit your family at all. So even though the opportunity is the same, it isn’t always a good fit for your family.
  4. You will reach your goals a lot sooner
    So, you have said ‘no’ more often and you know what is important and what to focus on. Needless to say, this is going to help you reach your goals (and therefor your long term vision) a lot sooner! Because if your attention is spread thin and you do 20 things at the same time, you will go slower towards your goals, then when you are hyper focused and only focus on 2-3 things at a time. So having a family vision is going to help you reach your family goals sooner.

Read more posts of the Family Vision Series

How to create a Family vision

Should you create a vision board?

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Picture of a family of four at the top and a vision board below that

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