10 New Year Goals for Homemakers
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The new year always asks for new goals and things to focus on. Online you see everyone talking about New Year’s resolutions or a word for the year. But when you are a stay at home mom or a homemaker, it can feel useless to create goals. You just live your life and don’t feel like you need goals.
Well let me change your mind today. It is extremely important to have goals, even as a mom and homemaker. Maybe especially as a mom and homemaker. Why? Because a goal and vision for your home and your life will help you to stay happy, keep growing and just have something to live for.
So let me share 10 goals you might want to add to your list this year. These are specifically for homemakers, mothers and women!
This week’s video
10 goals for homemakers and moms
Create a good cleaning routine
This is the year to finally create a routine that works! I see so many women struggling with keeping their home clean and tidy, and that is honestly not necessary. Work on a good routine! Using the Flylady system might help you get started (it definitely helped me!)
If there is one thing that will make your life easier as a mom and homemaker, it is having less stuff. When you have more things, you have more to clean. So make it your goal this year to declutter more and make more space in your home (and in your mind and schedule). One easy way to do this is to just do one small area per week. It is less daunting to do a small cabinet per week than having an entire room scheduled in per month. So when you follow the Flylady system, declutter one area that is in the zone for that week. So when the kitchen is the zone for the week to clean, declutter a cabinet while you’re there. This way you will have a decluttered home within a year and you didn’t even realize you decluttered the entire home in a year!
Put kitchen to bed every night
The best decision I made in 2023 is decide to NEVER have a kitchen sink full of dirty dishes or a dirty kitchen counter, before I go to bed. I always make sure the kitchen is clean and ready for the next day. And it has made such a difference! I feel great knowing my kitchen is clean and ready to go the next morning. And, when I come downstairs the next day, it is amazing to see a clean kitchen and just start making breakfast, instead of having to clean for 15 minutes before I can start my day. Highly recommend!
Start cooking/baking at home more
As homemakers it is part of our job to provide for food (Proverbs 31:15a She also rises while it is yet night, and provides food for her household). One way to do this is by making meals at home. It is so fun to cook for your family and know that you gave them something delicious to eat! If you never cook at home, start by making it your goal to cook one meal a week and move up. Do your kids always eat cereal? Start making oatmeal or eggs for breakfast once a week to give them something more nutritious. If you need help making simple and delicious meals from home, check out my recipes. My goal for the year is to fill that category with a ton of nutritious meals you and your family can enjoy.
Learn a new skills
There are so many fun things you can learn that will improve your life as a homemaker! You think about cooking and baking, but what about learning to sew so you can mend clothing instead of having to buy new things? Or maybe you want to learn to knit or crochet so you can make homemade gifts, blankets for your home or just fun cushion covers. But you can also learn to create content so you might be able to earn some extra income as a stay at home mom! I made a video about ways to help financially as a mom, so check that out if you have no clue where to start.
Be more present with the kids
Maybe one of my favorite goals for homemakers to have is to be more present as a mother. I have been sharing about being more present a ton, but it is just so important. Focus more on the present and spend less time looking at other people’s lives..
Yes, I am talking about limiting your phone usage. Because too many moms (me included) spend time on their phone that they should spend on their family. So set limits for certain apps (I see you Instagram..) turn your phone on airplane mode and learn that new skill you had planned. You can totally crochet while the kids are playing, because you can still talk and be present. But being on your phone while they are there is a whole other story.
Read more books
Reading books is so much fun! I love to read books that help me to grow. And this can honestly be in any area, grow as a homemaker, mom, in my faith, as a wife, etc. It depends on my mood.
But another great thing to do is read to the kids! Some of the books I read with the kids are so fun! I love reading them myself as well. When I was younger, I haven’t read many of the classics, so I am learning and enjoying them as we go! I have an ongoing list of the books we read and have enjoyed here: Our favorite read alouds.
Open up the home (hosting)
One beautiful way to live out Titus 2 (which I made an entire e-book for!) is by hosting other women in our home and help them to grow, or learn from older women so you can grow. If we want to become better homemakers, mothers and wives, we need to learn HOW to be better. Which is the reason why I created the e-book, so we can learn together!
But on top of having the e-book, you should definitely host other women in your home to walk this out together. Because there are just some things you need to learn in person and not online. So if you have a hard time finding that community, why no initiate and start your own community of women you want to learn from and women you can teach.
Read Bible in a year (or two)
By far the best goal to have on your list this year. Because we can never read our Bible too much! I personally am going to read the Bible in two years because my goal is not to go through it as fast as I can, but rather to dive deeper into what I am reading. I want to learn from it, not just read it.
There are many ways you can go about it; find a plan in the Bible app, google a reading plan or just start in Genesis and work your way through one chapter a day. I am going to start in Matthew this year and read one chapter a day, so feel free to join me!
Have family night each week
And last, but not least, have a family night every single week and make it special! I am definitely going to add this one to my list. Me and my husband are already having a date night every single week, but I want to implement a family night as well. We have done this before and it was super fun! We watched Little House on the Prairie together and the kids loved it.
This year I want to do it a little different. I want to have one night a week where we play games together or snuggle up on the couch and I read a book to the kids. No technology, just enjoying the company and spending time together.