Prepare your home for Fall with these 10 steps

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With Fall just around the corner, it is important to get the home ready. It’s a season of starting to spend more time indoors and that asks for a little bit of preparation. Prepare your home for Fall with these easy steps and your home will be as ready as it will ever be!
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Change decor
The first thing you should do to prepare your home for Fall is obviously going through the home and remove any decor that was Summer related. This is also the time to get all the candles out, change pillow cases to Fall colours and think about any other decor changes you want to make.
Clean garden
In Summer your garden was probably filled with pool toys, a pool, lounge sets, etc. But with cooler weather approaching, it’s important to store all those things away properly. A few things to do:

- Cover lounge sets to protect them from snow and heavy rain.
- Clean and store away the pool so you can use it again next year. I once made the mistake of not cleaning it. You don’t want to deal with that mess next Summer, trust me.
- Remove any old produce still in your veggie garden and prepare for pumpkins to have lots of space to grow. Don’t forget to pull out dead flowers and weeds either!
- Sweep and maybe even hose down the patios to start Fall with a clean and tidy garden.
Fall cleaning
And of course you want to do some Fall cleaning around the home. Follow a Fall cleaning checklist and you are sure not to miss anything!
There is just something about having a very nice and clean home when you head into Winter. But not only that, it is important too because you will be spending a lot more time indoors. And you want to create a healthy and safe environment for your family.
Remove art work from Summer

Another simple but effective way to prepare your home for Fall is by making room for all the new craft projects your kids will make! It’s important to have an opportunity in your home to display their art projects.
Displaying their art work will help them be more creative (because mom loves to show what they made. Absolutely encouraging them to do more!) plus it will make them appreciate each others art projects. You can point out how wonderful they did and help them see how they can show appreciation for others’ work as well.
And I just love adding in the new Fall colours to our home. Orange leaves and paintings with yellow, red and orange really make your home feel ready for Fall. And they happen to be my favourite colours, so definitely a great way to add more of it to our home!
Go through kids closets
Something I always enjoy doing each season, is sort through all the kids clothes. I love looking at what they will have for the new season, making new combinations and seeing their color palette for the upcoming months.
It can be tempting to keep some items you hope they will still wear in the new season, but be honest with yourself. Make sure it is something that actually still fits them and something that is appropriate for the next season. I am the first to admit I held on to that cute short only to realise they will never ever wear a short when it is freezing cold outside and basically useless to keep said short in the closet. So be wiser than I used to be;)
Bring back the sweaters!

When it’s time to sort through the kids’ closets, make sure you also look at your own wardrobe. It’s time to change the Summer outfits for a new Fall season, which means you can bring back all those cosy sweaters! Definitely something I look forward to once Summer comes to an end.
Make sure to properly store away all the Summer items so you can easily get them next year. Get rid of things you did not wear at all this Summer and donate things that don’t fit anymore.
Do an inventory of what you need to buy
Along with the previous two points; try every single thing you are intending to keep for both the kids and yourself. Make sure it actually fits. But try to also sort through all the Summer clothes and decide what you might keep for next year (or the next child) and donate, sell or throw away anything you don’t keep. Decluttering is very easy during a season change when it comes to clothes. Use it to your advantage.
Once you know what fits and what doesn’t, it is time to create a list of items you still need. I like to keep things simple and minimal for the kids. For example, I stick to 2-3 sweaters per child. Does one sweater from last year still fit this season? Perfect, then you can write down to grab 1 or 2 new ones.
Like I said previously, it is very easy to declutter during a changing season. Did you have any Summer decor you no longer want to keep? Get rid of it instead of storing it for a full year and then not using it again.
Clothes you no longer want to wear or that no longer fit, get rid of them. If you did not wear them for an entire season, you probably won’t wear them next year either.
But you can also declutter while you are Fall cleaning. Cleaning the kitchen? Go through your spices while you’re at it. It’s amazing how much you can declutter every time. No matter how many times I go through our kitchen cabinets, I always find something that can go.
ps. Want a printable version of the Fall Cleaning checklist in your inbox? Grab your FREE copy here!
Go over your routines
If you have read my blog before, you probably knew this was coming, didn’t you? I love looking at our routines and making sure they are still the best routines for us in the season. Especially since I have younger children. The time we spend on school, the amount and length of all the naps change constantly, etc.
So if you are a mom of younger children, you definitely want to go over the routines and systems you have in place with each changing season.
check out the posts in this category if you need help creating a good routine
Start thinking about Christmas
Yeah I know it sounds crazy, but trust me. You want to start thinking about Christmas early.
- Create a list of things you want to purchase for your kids and family members. What toys need replacement? What do they want? etc. Compile a list early in the season to be prepared.
- Set a budget. Decide on how much money you want to spend on Christmas. You can start (or hopefully continue) saving money now so you won’t have to go in debt in a few months. Now keep in mind, Christmas is SOON! So plan and save accordingly. And try to start earlier next year;)
- Start buying! Now that you have a list and a budget, you can keep track of all the offers and discounts in the stores. Why pay a lot of money for a gift in December, when that exact lego set is on sale in October? Being prepared will save you a ton of money!
What are things you do to prepare your home for Fall?
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