The beautiful and mundane life of a homemaker

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As homemakers, we can often feel like what we are doing is not important enough or not interesting enough. But the truth is; we are doing very important work. So I wanted to share with you a very, beautiful yet mundane day in my life as a Christian homemaker and share what God has put on my heart about this simple, beautiful and valuable life.
As I was filming and editing this video, I felt this lie coming up in my heart that told me this video was not interesting enough and my life was not exciting enough to share. And even though I know the homemaker’s life is not for everyone and not everybody might enjoy watching these types of videos, the truth is; this life is the reality for a lot of homemakers. We do the same things over and over again and our lives look very similar on a daily basis. And you know what; it is so beautiful and important!
I have talked about the importance of homemaking and how beautiful this role is many times before, but I felt the Lord tug on my heart and tell me to keep sharing this important message. Because I believe we can never share enough times about how beautiful and important the role of a homemaker and mother truly is.
It still amazes me how things have changed over the last couple hundred years. Somehow we went from being proud to be homemakers and taking really good care of our home and family, to believing we should spend most of our time outside of the home. Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with working outside of the home or having to spend time away from your family! I just want to emphasise today that there is no need to find acknowledgement or value outside of your home. You are needed, you are important and you are of value when you are spending your days being a homemaker and a mother.
So let me just remind you of some of the beautiful yet mundane tasks you do daily and why they are so important.
- Doing the laundry means your family has clean clothes to wear.
- Getting groceries means your family has food to eat.
- Cooking meals means your family can stay healthy and fed.
- Cleaning the home means you and your family can live in a healthy and safe environment.
- Staying on top of things means your husband has a calm and peaceful home to come home to.
- Raising your children means you are preparing the next generation.
- Educating your children means you are raising strong and healthy men and women.
There is so much you are doing that are more important than I could ever put into words. And it is something God keeps putting on my heart. Being home and creating that safe family unit is what God had intended for families to look like. So don’t every underestimate the value you bring to the table as a homemaker.
And there is one last thing that I wanted to add. In today’s society it is so easy to determine our value or worth by our accomplishments. What we bring to the table determines how important we are. The things we do or do not do determines whether we have ‘made it’ life. But let me remind you of who you truly are. You are God’s child. God knew you even before you were formed in your mother’s womb. God loves you and nothing you do or do not do can change anything about that. So whether you are a working mother, a single woman, a homemaker; You are important! You are doing God’s work! You are valuable!
I hope that you never forget that my friend! I pray God will put this on your heart daily and you can feel His love for you during every mundane task you are doing. Be blessed!
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